Make Memories!

All Ages Can Play



About Find Seekers

Find Seekers has actually been 6 years in the making! What started as a vision finally became a reality. We knew that we wanted specific technology and capabilities in order to launch. Now, it’s here.

Second, we knew that we wanted to create a way for people to have clean fun, while bonding and strategizing.

Lastly, we wanted to bring you great sponsors and great prizes!


We offer 3 types of games:

1.) From Anywhere

These games offer specific starting dates and times. You will receive your secret login code via SMS at the start. You can begin from anywhere you please!  Games are played from anywhere in the U.S., and you only have to beat the other players with the challenges you are given. Scores are kept via a leaderboard. Prizes are awarded via digital gift cards, or checkout codes. 

To play this game look for “From Anywhere”.

2.) Hometown Games

We hide specific items in your town! You will begin the game from anywhere you choose in your town/county. You have to complete challenges, but, there’s more. If you locate the hidden items you get higher scores on the leaderboard. There is a specific starting time and the game ends when players locate the hidden prizes. These games are self paced. You will receive your secret login code to begin via SMS.

To play this game look for your hometown. 

3.) In-Person Games:

You will meet with a host who will be there to check you in and award prizes at the end, to the winners. These games are offered in specific communities and have a definite meeting location, start and end time. Typically lasting 1.5 hours give or take.

To play this game, look for your town- “In Person” and dates.

*All details for each game will be made clear on the “event sign up page”.


In Person Games (with host)

Choose Event Time



Your host will confirm your registration, hand out your wristband, and go over the rules.

Secret Code

It’s a good idea to have this tab ready. You will type in a secret code. Codes are created new, with each game. All players begin at the same time.


Ready, Set, Go!


Time to start your challenges!

How Long?

Common Question


Game times typically run between 1-2 hours.




A leaderboard keeps score in “real time” so that everyone can see how the game is going.

Game End
Collect Prizes


Your host will either hand you your physical prize (should you be one of the winners) or give you a secret checkout code to a sponsor’s website for you to choose your prize. FREE shipping.


I had more fun than I can describe. You just have to try this game. I also thought that the prizes were more than I was expecting.

Kelly H